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Offline Saibitiya

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Saibaba miracle
« on: July 05, 2017, 04:36:55 PM »
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    Om Sai nathaya namaha!!

    Sai deva Sai maa I'm writing this experience as I promised to you. I want all the Sai bhaktas to know how powerful baba's vachan are, whether he's alive or not his samadhi speaks & come to protect all his devotees when they need him. Have faith (shraddha) & patience ( Saburi) whosoever follow this saying of baba will never find himself/ herself alone. Baba protects all.

    I want to share my incredible experience of baba's miracle. Whatever is written in Sai satcharitra or I should say baba's each & every Vachan is so pure & true. Till date I can't believe & stunned how he saved my whole family from calamity on the last day.

    We bought a new house in March 2017 in a bidding war in Toronto. Then we hired an agent to sell our current house, so he suggested to do some renovations. We did those and meanwhile the province applied 15% tax on foreign buyers. As soon as the news spread, the market turned too slow. We put our current house for sale but no buyers. It remained on the market and our closing date of new house was coming soon. We everyday cried in front of baba to do something & save us. I started writing baba's name everyday as naamsamaran because as told in Sai satcharitra if you hold one ledh ka gola by heart then I will definitely come to you. I everyday question baba that I'm following your path wholeheartedly still you're not coming to save us? Days were passing by so fast, then someone suggested to take second mortgage on our current home & make down payment of the new home. Our friend helped us by giving the finances. We were so happy though we knew that we won't be able to afford 2 homes as our income is not sustainable. Still we wanted to take a chance. We called bank & told them that we have arranged the funds for down payment, they told that we can't get the new mortgage until we sell our current home. There was a clause in our mortgage application, we were not at all aware of it as we had unconditional mortgage approval letter from bank with no clause on it. We were shattered that day & were losing hope. If we don't close on time then we can be sued by the seller & we'll lose everything. I cried a lot in front of baba, said saimaa why you're testing us ? It's been 3 months & I have had faith & patience as per your saying. Please save us otherwise we'll be finished. We have done so many mistakes in past but please give us one chance to improve ourselves. My husband went in to depression in this stressful time. It was getting so hard for me to manage things. Then our friend suggested us a litigation lawyer who was his friend. We went to him & explained him the situation. He said he'll try to pressurize the bank to give funds. Our closing was on June 29th & we went to lawyer on June 26th . My husband lost all the hope but I was still positive that baba will come & rescue us. On June 28th noon time we got a call from the bank that they are releasing the funds so we could do the closing on 29th. We were shocked to hear this news & couldn't believe it. My saimaa came last minute & saved us from the calamity. To all the Sai devotees, please have faith & patience baba never leave their children in trouble. He comes & saves us, we should surrender ourselves to his lotus feet he takes away all our pains & sorrows. Saideva please forgive all our sins which we have done in past knowingly or unknowingly, bless us always & thanks for giving us a chance to improve ourselves. Saimaa koti koti pranam.

    Offline mysur

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    Re: Saibaba miracle
    « Reply #1 on: July 05, 2017, 09:48:27 PM »
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    THankyou for sharing these stories. He is always there and help us and guide us during difficult times. I have experienced his presence in our life. GOod luck with your new home.

    Best regards,
    MYthili Suresh


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