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Author Topic: DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT AND PRAYER..  (Read 214742 times)

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Offline drashta

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« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2010, 05:29:32 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    May Baba bless you, dear Sweta ji.

    The Path of the Righteous

    "The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day"
    (Proverbs 4:18, NLTT).

    Are you facing a situation that seems dark today? As a believer, God promises that your path will shine brighter and brighter as you seek His truth and righteousness in every situation in your life.

    How do you seek righteousness? Righteousness is simply being in right standing with God. When you submit your life to Him and choose to obey His commands, you are seeking His righteousness, and you are on the path of the righteous! Just like today's verse says, the light of God's Word will shine brighter and brighter and will guide you in every decision you have to make.

    Today, take time to ask the Lord to shine His light on you. Ask Him to confirm His plan for you. When you make His Word a priority in your life, you will experience more of His blessings. You'll see those brighter days as you move forward in the good plan He has in store for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father God, I know that You have a wonderful plan and purpose for me. I desire to be in right standing with You. Show me Your ways and teach me to walk righteously before You. Shine Your light in my heart and give me strength to pursue the path You have in store for me.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #31 on: August 14, 2010, 08:04:48 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Your Seed Determines Your Harvest

    "Don't be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant"
    (Galatians 6:7, NLT).

    Have you ever looked at a large, old tree and wondered how long it has been there? It's amazing to think that at one point that gigantic tree was merely a tiny seed. In the same way, our words and actions are seeds. We will always reap a harvest on what we sow.

    Think about the types of seeds you have been sowing. Are you sowing encouragement, hope, blessing, love? Then that's what you'll reap in the future. But if you've been sowing criticism, judgment and anger, you're probably already reaping a bad harvest. It's time to start changing your seed.

    Today, I encourage you to pray and ask God to help you uproot any negative seeds you may have planted in the past and begin sowing good seeds for your future. As you stay obedient to the Word of God, you'll see those seeds grow. You'll rise up higher and enjoy the harvest of blessing God has promised you.

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, I ask You to search my heart. Show me any bad seeds that need to be uprooted. Help me, by Your Spirit, to plant good seeds for my future. Use me for Your glory.

    Om Sai Baba

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #32 on: August 15, 2010, 05:34:26 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Preparing for the Harvest

    "I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase and the trees of the field yield their fruit"
    (Leviticus 26:4, AMP).

    God has set up seasons in our lives. There are plowing seasons. There are planting seasons. There are watering seasons. Sure, we would love for every season to be a time of increase left and right and good breaks here and there. But without the other seasons, we wouldn't be prepared. For example, it's during the plowing season that God brings issues to light that we need to deal with. He's getting us prepared for promotion.

    If you're not making as much progress as you would like, the key is to not lose any ground. Don't go backwards. Hold your position. Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that, you are passing the test, and God promises that your due season of harvest is coming. Be encouraged because your appointed time of increase, favor and promotion is on its way. He's preparing you for the harvest—to see every dream and every desire filled in God's name!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father God, I thank You for preparing me for the blessing and promotion You have in my future. I surrender my heart, mind, will and emotions to You so that I can live as a testimony of Your work in my life.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #33 on: August 16, 2010, 05:41:02 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Grace for Today

    "Give us this day our daily bread…" (Matthew 6:11, NKJ).

    God has grace in store for you every single day. Grace is His supernatural empowerment, His unmerited favor on your life. All throughout scripture, we see God giving daily grace, empowerment and provision to His people. For example, in Bible, when the people of Israel were in the wilderness headed toward the Promised Land, God gave them manna each morning to eat. It would just appear on the ground. But, He specifically instructed them to gather up only enough for one day's supply. In fact, if they got more than that, it wouldn't last. It would spoil. They were learning to trust God's grace every single day.

    In the same way, God doesn't give us grace for a year at a time or even a month at a time. No, every 24 hours God has a fresh, new supply of grace, favor, wisdom and forgiveness. How are you going to make it through the seasons of your life? One day at a time. Look for His grace today. Look for His provision today. Look for His hand of favor and blessing today because He promises to supply everything you need for today.

    Prayer for Today:

    Father God, thank You for Your grace and favor on my life today. I know that You have a fresh supply of everything that I need—physically, spiritually and emotionally—today. Help me to trust You more as I seek Your face.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline gantavyakhushi

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    « Reply #34 on: August 17, 2010, 04:34:52 AM »
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  • baba help me i need your help at this time. i know that you will help without you i can do any thing in my life. at moment where are you? Do some miracle for my life. om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram om sai ram

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #35 on: August 17, 2010, 05:48:22 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    One Blessing after Another

    "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another"
    (John 1:16, NIV).

    God wants to pour out His blessing and favor upon you each and every day. It says in the scripture that He daily loads us with benefits! So many people miss out on all that God has for them because they are weighted down by guilt and condemnation. But notice what today's verse tells us about where His blessings come from—the fullness of His grace.

    God's grace is His unmerited favor. That means we can't earn it. We can't work for it, and we can't change His mind about it. He pours out His blessing on us not because of what we do, but because of who He is. His blessings are based on His goodness, not ours.

    Today, receive His grace. Receive His forgiveness. Let go of guilt and condemnation. Open your heart and mind to what God wants to do in your life and get ready because He is pouring out His goodness upon you with one blessing after another!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, I choose to receive Your grace today which is Your supernatural empowerment. I release guilt and condemnation and receive Your love and forgiveness. Search my heart, O God. Renew me and cleanse me by Your Word.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline rani

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    « Reply #36 on: August 17, 2010, 11:30:40 PM »
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  • babaji please help me in doing my duties. babaji see that all my works go correctly.  babji please help me out in doing the varalakshmi vratam as without u i cant do anything. give me strength in discharging my duties.  please bless my children. babaji  please help me sainath maharaj.


    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #37 on: August 18, 2010, 06:17:52 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Renew Your Mind Daily

    "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Him"
    (2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV).

    So many people today are not really enjoying their lives because of the condition of their minds. They constantly dwell on negative, destructive, harmful thoughts. They don't realize it, but the root cause of many of their problems is simply the fact that their thought life is out of control. They just dwell on any thought that comes.

    More than ever, we have to understand that our lives follow our thoughts. If you think negative thoughts, then you're going to live a negative life. If you think discouraging, hopeless thoughts, can't-do-it thoughts, mediocre thoughts, then your life is going to go down that exact same pathway. That's why we have to take captive every thought and renew our minds with the Word of God on a daily basis.

    I want to challenge you today to think about what you're thinking about. Don't let those self-defeating thoughts linger in your mind. Instead, speak God's promises over your life. Declare what He says about you. Take captive every thought and renew your mind daily. As you do, you'll be empowered to move forward into the abundant life He has for you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father God, today I choose to take captive every thought. I choose to renew my mind according to Your Word. Holy Spirit, thank You for being my teacher and helper. I invite You to direct me in the way that I should go. Help me fulfill my destiny.

    Om Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #38 on: August 19, 2010, 08:24:54 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Agreeing with God

    "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?"  (Amos 3:3, NKJ).

    Are you going through a difficult time today? We all experience setbacks and obstacles in this life, but don't make the mistake of allowing those challenges to change your perspective. You can't go around thinking that those problems are insurmountable because negative thinking will keep you in bondage.

    Did you know that when you're negative, you're in agreement with the enemy? But when you have a positive attitude according to what the Word says, then you're in agreement with God. You and God are a majority. When you agree with God, all things are possible.

    Today, instead of going around thinking about your problems, cast down those thoughts and start dwelling on the fact that Almighty God, the Creator of the universe is on your side. Declare today that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Declare that He is fighting your battles. Declare that victory is on its way. Get into agreement with God and pave the way for His supernatural blessing in your life.

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, thank You for Your truth that sets me free. I choose to submit my thoughts to You and come into agreement with Your Word. Help me to keep my mind stayed on You and Your victory no matter what may come my way.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline shw05

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    « Reply #39 on: August 19, 2010, 10:42:25 AM »
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  • drashta ji
    please continue posting your messages, the words are very inspiring to uplight the soul. and i'm always waiting for you to post new messages.  May Sai guide us always.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #40 on: August 20, 2010, 08:04:31 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    Baba's blessings, dear Shw05ji.

    Don't Allow Yourself to Settle.

    "So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit"
    (Galatians 6:9, The Message).

    Everyone has God-given dreams and desires. We all have goals we want to accomplish and situations we are believing will be turned around. Sometimes it seems to take longer than we originally thought. Sometimes, things don't work out the way we planned, and it's easy to lose enthusiasm. If we're not careful, we'll get discouraged and end up just settling where we are. But God doesn't want us to settle, He wants to take us higher. But many times, people miss out on God's best simply because they give up too soon. They don't realize how close they are to their victory.

    Friend, don't let that be you today. Don't give up just because things seem hard. You've invested so much, and you never know, just a few more days of believing, another few weeks of doing the right thing, another few months of staying in faith, and you could see that situation turn around. Remember, God is on your side! Keep standing and keep believing because you are closer than you think to fulfilling every desire He's placed inside of you!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father God, today I come to You again, believing that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your strength to keep moving forward into the place of victory You have for me

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline Devbani

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    « Reply #41 on: August 20, 2010, 10:17:42 AM »
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  • Oh sai what is me, nothing, what can I do nothing, its U deva who can make me anything......sai deva love love me a lot baba I m thirsty,,...amen

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #42 on: August 21, 2010, 05:15:50 AM »
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  • Om Sai Baba.

    The Great Reward

    "So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!"
    (Hebrews 10:35, NLT).

    What are you believing God for today? Promotion? Healing? Stronger relationships? Freedom from addiction? God has promised all these things to you in His Word. He wants you to live in blessing and wholeness all the days of your life. But in order to experience His promises, we have to do our part. We have to keep believing and trusting in Him. That's what today's verse is saying: if we will stay in faith, if we will keep believing, keep hoping, keep doing the right thing, God promises there will be a reward. I like how one translation puts it, "Don't get discouraged. Payday is coming!"

    When you're tempted to get down, when things aren't going your way, just say to yourself, "This may be hard. It may be taking a long time, but I know God is a faithful God. I'm going to keep believing because my reward is coming."

    Friend, as you trust Him and stand in faith, as you boldly declare His promises, you are positioning yourself to receive His blessing. No matter what your circumstances look like, remember payday is on its way—and you will experience the blessing and reward He's promised all the days of your life!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, thank You for Your good and precious promises. I choose to trust that my reward is coming. I choose to follow Your commands because they lead to blessing and life. Give me a heart that is fixed on You and fill me with Your peace. I patiently wait on You.

    Jai Sai Baba.

    Offline drashta

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    « Reply #43 on: August 22, 2010, 07:02:49 AM »
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  • Open Your Mouth

    "…Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it…"
    (Psalm 81:10, NLT).

    Do you have your mouth open wide today? In other words, are you expecting God to fill you and increase you beyond measure? Are ready for Him to satisfy your needs and desires with good things? Think about a baby bird. When they are ready to eat, they open their mouths wide. They trust that they will be fed. They expect it. They look for it. They are ready for it.

    It should be the same way with us. We need to keep our spiritual mouths open by expecting the goodness of God to satisfy us. Negative thinking is like closing your mouth. A closed mouth can't be filled. But God is saying today, why don't you take the limits off? Why don't you trust and believe for supernatural opportunities?

    That little bird waiting for food isn't concerned about where the mother is going to get it from. It isn't concerned about how she's going to dig it up. No, that bird just opens its mouth, trusting and waiting. Why don't you do the same today? Trust that God is working behind the scenes. Open your mouth wide today. You won't be disappointed. God is faithful to His Word, and He will fill you and satisfy you when you put your trust in Him!

    Prayer for Today:

    Father, I come to You today, asking You to fill my mouth. I choose to trust You even when I don't understand how everything is going to work out. I know that You are a good God with a good plan for my life. Fill me with Your peace and patience as I humbly wait on You

    Jai Sai Baba

    Offline Devbani

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    « Reply #44 on: August 22, 2010, 07:13:53 AM »
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  • Oh sai make my love ur blessings.....not a cruel curse of nature....amen


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